Queen’s Inclusive Employment Scheme celebrates successful year
Queen’s Inclusive Employment Scheme, a placement programme for people with a disability, has celebrated another successful year.

Eight participants took part in this year’s Scheme, which gives individuals the opportunity to develop skills, confidence and gain valuable work experience.
During 2016, Queen’s worked with Disability Action, Triangle Housing Association, The Cedar Foundation and Ulster Supported Employment Limited (“USEL”) to offer placements to participants.
Now in its third year, the Scheme, which is supported by the Department for Communities, has been described by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland as “an example of best practice”.
Director of Human Resources Sean McGuickin said: “We are committed to providing pathways to professions and are delighted that the Inclusive Employment Scheme has given individuals the opportunity to regain skills, develop new skills and enhance their employment opportunities.
“I would strongly encourage all of our Faculties and Schools to contact the Equality and Diversity Unit to find out more about the Inclusive Employment Scheme and the possibility of participation in it.”
Terry Parks, Head of the Disability Employment Service in the Department for Communities, said: “The staff at Queen's, through their HR team and the respective Schools throughout the University, have provided the opportunities and in-work support that will really enhance the employment prospects of many disabled people - and for that, we are all very grateful.”
Benjamin Kinnear, one of this year’s participants who undertook a placement in Queen’s Telecommunications, said: “I found the placement gave me a chance to meet new people, develop new skills and be creative by allowing me to bring my own ideas to the role.”
To find out more about the Inclusive Employment Scheme, contact the Equality and Diversity Business Partner, Conor Curran.
For further insight into the Inclusive Employment Scheme, please click on the testimonies provided by previous scheme participants Jamie Davison and Suzie Leech or visit the Equality and Diversity Unit’s website.