Queen's academic scoops prestigious Royal Society award
Congratulations to Dr Helen McCarthy who has been given a Royal Society Translation Award at a glitzy ceremony in London this week.

Dr McCarthy, a Reader in the School of Pharmacy, received the £43,360 award for her work on developing a targeted anti-cancer nanomedicine.
The Translation Awards are aimed at helping researchers investigate the potential for commercialising an aspect of their research. Seven were handed out altogether across the UK.
Commenting at the award ceremony, Dr Hermann Hauser KBE FREng FRS, science entrepreneur and co-chair of the Royal Society’s Science, Industry and Translation Committee, said: “These awards support some of the very best, innovative researchers in UK universities to increase their chances of entrepreneurial success. The process of translating research from academia into commercially viable products can be challenging and we are proud to help bridge the journey”.
Dr McCarthy’s main research focus is the development of bio-inspired delivery systems for nanomedical applications. She has a strong belief in making medicines “that actually work”. She explains: “The whole purpose is always with the patient in mind. Even if we’re doing some basic research, we need to think – how can this translate to the patient? That’s the focus of everything.”
The ceremony at the Royal Society's St James' headquarters brought together some of the UK’s leading scientists, engineers, industrialists and policymakers. The theme was the role of science in the UK’s industrial strategy and its contribution to economic growth. At the same ceremony, the Royal Society also awarded two major Innovation Awards to help scientists develop a proven novel concept or prototype into a near-market-ready product.