Dr Sinead O'Sullivan awarded AHRC Leadership Fellowship
Dr Sinead O'Sullivan, Senior Lecturer, from the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen's has been awarded a prestigious Leadership Fellowship by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Dr O'Sullivan will begin the 18 month Fellowship in January 2020 with work on her project: 'Crafting Knowledge in the early medieval West: Glosses, Learning and Culture, circa 800–1050'.
Speaking about the Fellowship, Dr O'Sullivan said: "I was delighted to be awarded this Fellowship from the AHRC.
"The overall project aim is to re-envision the significance of glosses as essential to mainstream intellectual history. The project will situate glosses in a broader conceptual framework of what knowledge is and how it is made in early medieval scholarly communities."
As part of the Fellowship, Dr O'Sullivan will run, together with Dr Ciaran Arthur, the events below:
- Public exhibition provisionally entitled 'Ciphers, Codes and Notes: Crafting Knowledge in the Medieval and Modern Worlds', in Special Collections and Archives at the McClay Library
- Public lectures in the McClay Library and across the UK and Europe
- An international colloquium on creating knowledge in the early medieval West
Congratulating Dr O'Sullivan on her award, Professor Alister Miskimmon, Head of the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, said: "The AHRC Leadership Fellows programme supports individual researchers to conduct transformative, world-leading research. Sinead O'Sullivan is acknowledged as a leading expert on the transmission of learning in the early Middle-Ages and this project will build on her extensive research to date. We are delighted that the AHRC has decided to support Dr O'Sullivan in this way."
For more information please on AHRC Leadership Fellowship opportunities, please visit: https://ahrc.ukri.org/funding/apply-for-funding/current-opportunities/leadershipfellows/