Queen's academic earns prestigious Pharmaceutical Society Fellowship
Professor Carmel Hughes, from Queen's School of Pharmacy, has been appointed as a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

Being appointed a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society is one of the highest honours that can be bestowed upon Members and recognises individuals who have distinguished themselves in a particular aspect, or aspects, of their professional career.
Awarded the Fellowship in absentia at the awards ceremony on Thursday 15 November 2018, Professor Hughes was presented with her Fellowship medal by Professor James McElnay, himself a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland.
Commenting on her award, Professor Hughes said: "I am truly honoured to be recognised in this way by the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland, and would like to thank all my teachers, mentors and colleagues who have been so generous with their time and support over the course of my career."