Queen's academic presents Restoration Shakespeare Showcase at Shakespeare's Globe
Queen's academic, Professor Richard Schoch, from the School of Arts, English and Languages, co-presented a showcase of Restoration Shakespeare in the Wanamaker Playhouse at Shakespeare's Globe on 17 July.

The showcase, which was open to the public, included live performances of music and scenes from late 17th-century, Restoration-era adaptations of Shakespeare's The Tempest and Macbeth.
The showcase was part of 'Performing Restoration Shakespeare', a multinational, interdisciplinary research project sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Professor Schoch is co-leading the project with Professor Amanda Eubanks Winkler, Associate Professor of Music History and Cultures in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) at Syracuse University.
Speaking about the project, Professor Schoch said: "When theatres reopened after the English civil war, few new plays were available. As a result, theatre companies presented Shakespeare in new, exciting ways.
"These extravagant adaptations were popular then, and still are today. Our performances of The Tempest at the Globe and Macbeth [at the Folger] have attracted wide press coverage and sold-out audiences."
In addition to the performances, Professor Schoch and Professor Eubanks Winkler facilitated a discussion with Will Tosh, lecturer and research fellow at Shakespeare's Globe; Robert Richmond, stage director of the acclaimed 2018 production of Macbeth at the Folger Theatre in Washington, D.C. (funded in part by 'Performing Restoration Shakespeare'); and Bob Eisenstein, Macbeth music director.
For more information on the 'Performing Restoration Shakespeare' project, please visit www.restorationshakespeare.org and follow @PRShakes on Twitter.