Queen's launches sixth annual Inclusive Employment Scheme
On Thursday 28 April, the University launched its sixth annual Inclusive Employment Scheme at The Cube, One Elmwood in partnership with the NI Union of Supported Employment (NIUSE).

The launch was attended by more than 50 representatives from over 15 support organisations including external partners of the Scheme, and staff from Queen's placement host departments.
The Queen’s Inclusive Employment Scheme was launched in 2014. Run in conjunction with NI Union of Supported Employment (NIUSE), the Scheme provides individuals with a disability or long-term condition the opportunity to develop skills and gain valuable work experience through a placement in a school or directorate at Queen’s.
Placement roles include Technical, Clerical, Research and Operational positions such as IT technicians, Cleaning and Catering, and can last anywhere between three and 12 months. To date the University has hosted just under 60 placements. At the launch, support workers from external organisations and Queen's host departments learnt about the Scheme, the posts available at Queen’s this year, and how individuals can apply for a Queen's placement. Attendees also heard from previous hosts on how individuals who have participated in the Scheme, and the staff and University have benefitted from taking part.
This year, Queen’s have 17 placements across the University, covering a range of roles Clerical, Operational, Technical, Marketing and IT Support Jobs.
Speaking about the Scheme, Edyth Dunlop of NIUSE said:
"We are delighted that we’re back after three years.
"The inclusive employment scheme has given people with disabilities that opportunity to take the first step into looking at employment and the people who have participated in this scheme have either continued on and got a job within Queen’s, or gone on to other employers."
Conor Curran, Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Staff Wellbeing at Queen's, said:
"We’re delighted to launch the Inclusive Employment Scheme. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are at the heart of Strategy 2030, and a key part of our social charter.
"Northern Ireland has the lowest employment rate for disabled people in the UK and schemes like this can be incredibly impactful in enabling people to gain skills, experience and confidence to enable them to secure employment Queen’s, or elsewhere.
"There are also many benefits for the Queen’s staff and departments who engage in the Scheme."
The University is working with over 30 different community sector organisations this year to identify individuals who would like to come and work at Queen’s.
More information on the Scheme can be found on the Inclusive Employment Scheme webpage and any Queen’s staff who are interested in hosting a placement can get in touch with the Diversity and Inclusion Unit at eqdiv@qub.ac.uk.
View the launch event in pictures