Queen's academics speak at Yale University Peacebuilding Conference
Four academics from Queen's were recently invited speakers at a Yale University Colloquium, 'Building Peace Across Generations'.

Hosted at the Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs, the colloquium brought together international scholars, policy-makers and practitioners to present research findings and insights on peacebuilding, human rights and global health.
Dr Laura Dunne, Professor Sarah Miller and Dr Liam O'Hare from the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work presented research findings on 'Early Childhood Interventions and Social Cohesion' and on 'Cognitive Mapping: Everyday Peace Knowledge Representation'.
Dr O'Hare, Director of the Queen's Innovation Zones, commented: "I was honoured to share research with Queen's colleagues at this international event. The key message for me was one of positivity for a peaceful future, despite ongoing conflicts. In addition, it was evident that peacebuilding needs to be fostered across generations, with children, young people, families and older people building peace together in their communities."
Professor of Education Sarah Miller said: "It was a pleasure and privilege to be able to share the work we have been doing in the area of early childhood and social cohesion. We have much to learn from each other, and this conference provided a significant opportunity to have those important conversations."
Dr Dunne, Deputy Director of Queen's Innovation Zones, commented: "Our involvement in this event represents a growing research collaboration with Yale University, incorporating colleagues from UPEACE, Costa Rica and the UNDP Crisis Bureau. We are planning further partnership work to progress our understanding of peacebuilding and social cohesion to improve outcomes for children and young people."
Mitchell Institute Director Professor Richard English spoke about 'Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Peace', presenting research based on his recent OUP book Does Counter-Terrorism Work? He said: "It was excellent that Queen's colleagues from different disciplinary backgrounds were invited to share their research, and to learn from others' insights, at this major and timely international Colloquium at Yale University."
For more information on the colloquium, please visit: https://jackson.yale.edu/building-peace-conference/
Media enquiries to Zara McBrearty at Queen's Communications Office on email: z.mcbrearty@qub.ac.uk