This section contains details about some of the staff initiatives you can get involved in.

A Bite of Queen's is a staff initiative that showcases the great work being carried out across Queen’s campus.
Series of lunchtime tours for staff to locations across campus. Events are advertised on the weekly Staff Round Up and on the staff Twitter channel: @QUBstaff.
Explore our campus with A Bite of Queen's
The Staff Wellbeing initiative offers a range of activities and events to support and enhance the health and wellbeing of staff working at Queen's.
Includes Queen's Staff Choir, £ for lb Challenge, Health Promotion events, Activity Programmes in collaboration with Queen's Sport, Wellbeing Training, Internal Mediation Service, Staff Counselling and more.
Find out about Staff Wellbeing
Series of sustainability initiatives and events for staff and students to get involved in to help reduce their environmental impact.
Includes Green Impact Scheme, Environmental Volunteering, Sustainable Travel Initiatives, Green Awards, the Great Queen's Bake Off, the Pedometer Challenge and more.
More information on Sustainability at Queen's
There are a number of opportunities for staff to get involved in volunteering and charity fundraising across the campus.
If you would like to fundraise on campus, please submit your request to m.macartney@qub.ac.uk for approval by the Charities Committee.
More information on Staff Volunteering