Massimiliano Russello
PhD student and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Early Stage Researcher
Postgraduate Students

Mr. Massimiliano Russello graduated with a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Palermo in July 2016, and completed, in the same university, his two-year MSc programme in July 2018 with First class honours. He studied Structural Design, specialising in material testing, manufacturing, advanced measurement techniques, and the Finite Element Method. His thesis involved a detailed investigation of enhanced properties of ultra-thin-ply laminates. In 2017, he spent a year at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Queen’s University Belfast as a Visiting Research Associate, working on the functionalisation of carbon fibre ultra-thin-plies using nanomaterials. He started his PhD in the ACRG at Queen’s University Belfast in September 2018 as an Early Stage Researcher within the project SPaRK (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions). His research is focussed on multifunctional ultra thin-ply laminates.