Sedat Süsler
Post-doctoral researcher
Research Staff

Dr Sedat Süsler graduated from Istanbul Technical University with the PhD, MSc and BSc in Aerospace Engineering. His PhD thesis was entitled “Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour of Tapered Sandwich Plates with Multi-Layered Faces Subjected to Air Blast Loading”. He was a research assistant during his BSc and PhD in the School of Aeronautics & Astronautics at Istanbul Technical University.
He is currently a lecturer in the School of Aeronautics & Astronautics at Kocaeli University. He joined the Advanced Composites Research Group at Queen’s University Belfast in September 2022 as a visiting scholar for a 1-year post-doctoral research supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). His research focuses on the additively manufactured fibre reinforced composite curved beams. His main research interest is experimental, numerical and analytical investigation on various mechanical behaviours of laminated composites.