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Our Projects

Digging with local communities

We collaborate with councils, landscape partnerships and historical societies to ensure our excavations and projects are accessible to the public. Click below to read about some of our recent community excavations.

Community excavations
Bringing archaeology to local communities

We don't just dig, read about some of the other projects we do - from education programmes to archaeological festivals!

Outreach Projects
Presenting local stories to a wider audience

We've worked with local historical societies to present their knowledge and research to a wider audience.

Story Maps
Discovery! Conference

Since 2017 the Centre for Community Archaeology has hosted the annual Discovery! Conference with our partners in the Ulster Archaeological Society. The conference is an opportunity for both interested members of the public and professionals to hear about recent archaeological research and excavation conducted over the previous 12 months, with lectures from across the archaeological community in Ulster – the commercial sector, museums, academics, societies and community groups – all represented at the podium.

Discovery! Conference
The Glens of Antrim in Medieval Times

Written by Colm Donnelly and Cormac McSparron and published by the Heart of the Glens Landscape Partnership Scheme with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund.

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