Huseyin Kucukali
Queen’s University Belfast
Contributes to WP4 & WP5

Hüseyin Küçükali is a public health researcher with experience in artificial intelligence, behaviour change, and systems approaches. His research aims to innovate the prevention of non-communicable diseases and health inequities.
He has a background in medicine and a PhD in public health, both from Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa. He led a range of research and innovation projects in local health administrations in Istanbul. He taught public health and epidemiology courses alongside research at Istanbul Medipol University. He is currently working as a research fellow at Queen’s University Belfast. He has been using causal inference and machine learning methods to find targeted prevention strategies for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and dementia in his recent works.
Dr Küçükali contributes to the GroundsWell Consortium by evaluating the impact of a large urban greenspace intervention on health behaviours and non-communicable disease prevalence.