- Kate Williamson
- Michael Stevenson
- Ricardo de Matos Simoes
- Sabine Dalleau
- Karen Young
- Leanne McIlreavey
- Catherine Jamison
- Christopher Wise
- Kym Griffin
- Brian Duggan
- Hugh O'Kane
- Declan O'Rourke
- Raymond Mark Evans
- Ruth Boyd
- Laura Maxwell
- Emily McCullough
- Mark Ruddock
- Cherith Reid
- John Lamont
- Peter FitzGerald
- Previous HaBio Team Members
Laura Maxwell

I graduated from Queens University Belfast (QUB) with a BSC (HONS) in Nursing Science in 2009. I have gained invaluable experience while working in the Urology department, City hospital, where I nursed patients undergoing treatment and various surgical procedures.
I am committed to lifelong learning to help enhance patient care through evidence based practice and to aid professional development. I’m enthusiastic and thrive on new challenges or any learning opportunities that may arise. I’ve completed a post-graduate module in Tissue Regeneration at Queens University Belfast. I’m also a registered student mentor having completed the Mentorship Preparation Programme
I was appointed Clinical Research Nurse for the HaBio study in March 2015