Welcome to New iRISE Co-Chairs 2021-2023
June 2021

Following a call for interest, the iRISE Committee are delighted to welcome the two new Co-Chairs from 1 July 2021:
- Mrs Nimmy John (School of Nursing and Midwifery)
- Dr Adone Tielenius Kruythoff-Mohd Sarip (The Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research)
Commenting on her goals for iRISE Mrs Nimmy John noted:
“Since April 2021, I have been working as an adult Lecturer in School of Nursing and Midwifery. Prior to this, I worked for over 15 years as an Anaesthetic Nurse Specialist within Belfast health and social Care trust hospitals. I am committed to raising awareness and contributing to the elimination of overt and covert discrimination for any reason, but (in my role as Co- Chair of the iRISE Staff Network), particularly on the grounds of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic origin. My goals for iRISE may also include by working with the team by focusing on how to grow our communication network, increase attendance and engagement at events and raise the profile of the network at a University level. I am very optimistic to the future of iRISE will be rewarding experience of all our members and being part of a dynamic group that supports the University in achieving its equality and diversity goals”.
Reflecting on her aspirations for her new role, Dr Adone Tielenius Kruythoff-Mohd Sarip said:
"Growing up in a multiracial and diverse country like Singapore as well as studying, working and living abroad in the UK and Netherlands internationally, has shaped my beliefs and interests to achieve inclusivity, (racial) equity and advance opportunities for all. The role of iRISE Co-Chair (International) will allow me to represent the interests as well as supporting BAME/International staff/students identity and the diverse community. My goals for iRISE entails being the voice of multiculturalism at Queen’s and that cultural awareness is an increasingly useful skill globally while bringing together colleagues/students from across the university to celebrate multiculturalism, encouraging inclusivity. Addressing inequity and how identity shapes careers in our shifting world of work will be crucial in narrowing and mining the minority/marginalised gap. Thus, facilitating people to craft more satisfying careers and have equal opportunities, as well as assist them in learning how to navigate discrimination and inequality whilst gaining insight into the barriers. Additionally, growth i.e. reaching all aspects of iRISE to let others know about our network and maximising impact; so every action is focused on making a difference."
We thank the outgoing Co-Chairs, Dr Yassin Brunger and Dr Michael Isichei for their work and contribution to Network.