Progressing from INTO to Queen's University Belfast

The information on this page is for students who are progressing from INTO Belfast to Queen's University Belfast in September 2025.
The ISS Advice team will support students who are progressing from INTO Belfast to Queen's through the visa application process.
Who needs to apply for a Student visa?
If you are:
- currently studying at INTO Belfast; and
- you require a Student visa to study in the UK; and
- your current visa expires in 2025; and
- you will be commencing a course at Queen's University Belfast in September 2025
You will need to apply for a new Student visa for your course at Queen's University Belfast.
The ISS Advice team will help support you through the visa application process.
- When will I receive my CAS Statement?
Students completing their INTO course in June 2025
ISS will begin issuing CAS Statements from mid-July onwards.
Before ISS can issue you with your CAS Statement you will need to have received an Unconditional Acceptance Letter from the International Admissions team and you will also need to have confirmed to ISS if you will be applying for your visa in the UK or outside the UK.
ISS will contact you after you have received an Unconditional Offer to ask you to confirm if you will be applying for your visa in the UK or outside the UK.
- How will I receive my CAS Statement?
Applying outside the UK
Your CAS Statement will be emailed to you from after the Admissions team have issued your Unconditional Acceptance Letter and you have provided evidence to ISS that you have left the UK.
Applying inside the UK
Your CAS Statement will be emailed to you from after the Admissions team have issued your Unconditional Acceptance Letter and an Immigration Adviser has checked your supporting documents.
The ISS Advice team will provide some visa information at the INTO Next Steps session on Wednesday 2nd April, Peter Froggatt Centre/0G/024, 2pm – 4pm. This information will be for INTO students who will complete their course in June 2025 and who will be progressing to Queen’s University Belfast in September 2025.