CSIT's Cyber-AI Hub: Where Innovation Meets Responsibility in AI

In the fast-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the intersection with cybersecurity marks a pivotal point in fortifying digital defences. The Cyber-AI Hub, an innovative consortium hosted by the Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) within the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science (EEECS) at Queen’s University Belfast, stands as a beacon of progress and responsibility in this dynamic field. This collaborative effort involving eight R&D-intensive cybersecurity companies signifies a bold commitment to investing in AI-based security technologies, driving growth and public good.
A Unique Consortium for Cutting-Edge Innovation
The Cyber-AI Hub, which is funded from the New Deal for Northern Ireland and delivered on behalf of the Northern Ireland Office and the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology by Innovate UK – part of UK Research and Innovation, comprises market-leading companies with a global reach, covering a diverse spectrum of products and services within the broader cybersecurity market. This unique collaboration aims to enhance existing and new cybersecurity products and services through the integration of AI models. The shared Cyber-AI makerspace within CSIT fosters a collaborative environment, not only between academia and industry but also among the participating companies themselves. This collaborative effort positions the UK as a frontrunner in Cyber-AI research and innovation, solidifying its status as a go-to destination in this dynamic field.
Bridging Responsible AI Technologies and Cybersecurity Challenges
The Cyber-AI Technologies Hub spearheads eight research and innovation projects, each addressing critical cybersecurity challenges through the application of AI technologies. Ampliphae's initiative on AI-based security for 5G mobile telecoms network architecture, SKURIO's open-source threat intelligence project, Pytilia's context-aware vulnerability detection and mitigation project, Cynalytica's focus on industrial control systems security, Rapid7's exploration of AI for cloud security, Thales' verification for responsible and trustworthy AI, and Angoka's work on device ID generation showcase the breadth and depth of research within the Hub.
From entity recognition and information extraction to natural language processing (NLP) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), the projects require a broad range of AI technologies. Techniques such as unsupervised clustering, anomaly detection, adversarial testing, and explainability are integral components, reflecting the comprehensive approach undertaken by the Hub.
Responsibility is a cornerstone in the development and deployment of AI technologies. CSIT's Cyber-AI Hub takes this commitment seriously, therefore the consortium's collaborative projects focus not only to enhance cybersecurity but also to ensure that the technologies developed are ethical, accountable, and aligned with the values of public good.
Training and Skills Development
The Cyber-AI Hub presents an exciting opportunity to nurture research, skills, and innovation across various cybersecurity themes. The Hub acts as a catalyst for the development of a talent pipeline of cybersecurity professionals with strong industry connections. The doctoral training programme under CSIT is a flagship initiative, offering fully funded scholarships with a focus on cutting-edge cyber security research, alongside training in responsible research and innovation, trusted research principles, entrepreneurship and leadership, and co-designed research programmes with industry partners.
Participants in the programme gain exposure to world-class facilities, including CSIT's Cyber Range, industry-standard wireless labs, and extensive hardware development and measurement infrastructure. Access to modules in CSIT's NCSC-certified MSc Advanced Cyber Security and MSc AI further enriches the learning experience.
A Collaborative Ecosystem Fuelled by Innovation
As we navigate the intricate landscape of AI, it is imperative to keep a steadfast focus on responsibility and public good. CSIT's Cyber-AI Hub embodies this dedication by offering a neutral collaborative space that encourages industry and academia collaboration.
The Cyber-AI Hub, powered by CSIT's collaborative ethos, is a unique UK research and innovation programme at the interface of AI and cybersecurity, as well as security for AI. By bringing together academia, industry leaders, and innovative startups, this consortium is a bold investment in shaping the future. The collaborative projects, coupled with the unique blend of skills and innovation, position the UK as a global leader in the newly-evolving domain of Cyber-AI.
The Hub will help shape the future of research and innovation in AI for cybersecurity, and cybersecurity for AI, positioning the UK as a global leader in the newly-evolving domain of responsible Cyber-AI technologies.
For media inquiries, please contact Ankisha Rana (a.rana@qub.ac.uk)