Increase in SUMDE Payments for Practices Hosting Year 3 Students from 2024-25!

QUB is delighted to announce that it has been agreed with the Department of Health that SUMDE payments to practices hosting Year 3 students will increase to £355 per session from the 2024-25 academic year.
During the third year of studies students are attached to practices in groups of 6 for a period of 12 weeks on a Wednesday morning in either semester 1 or 2.
Key aims for Year 3 GP are:-
- To introduce students to the structure, philosophy and practice of medicine in a primary care setting.
- To understand patients and illness within their own contexts
- To begin to recognise issues including clinical risk and patient safety at the primary-secondary interface
Dr Louise Sands the Year 3 GP Academic Lead for QUB welcomed the news: “Year 3 is a time of crucial development for our students and the initial soundings from practices involved in the C25 roll out for this year group was that whilst the teaching was very rewarding in pedagogical terms, it was less so financially. QUB has been an active voice in making the case for change to the remuneration paid for hosting for Year 3 and we are delighted to see an increase of £105 per session. The new rate now means that Year 3 teaching practices can expect a payment of £4,260 per semester. We consider that this increase is a more accurate reflection of the time and effort our practices give to students at the midpoint of their medical undergraduate journey.”