COVID19 Information
Information provided to medical students regarding Covid19 in terms of testing positive or being a contact.

If you as a medical student test positive for COVID 19
1. You must inform ALL of groups a, b and c below:
- QUB by phoning 028 90973550. You must phone this number even if you already have informed other QUB staff
- Your Clinical Supervisor AND the Trust’s Undergraduate Office / GP if you are on Clinical Placement. You may have received your test through the Trust and relevant Trust staff will know about your result, but if you got your test elsewhere, make sure Practice know about your result as soon as possible.
- Please complete an online “self-cert” to inform CME of your absence. This will inform all relevant staff in CME of your absence.
2. Also:
- you must immediately self isolate for 10 days from symptom onset or from the date of your positive test, if you are asymptomatic (continue isolating if you have a fever on days 9 or 10)
- members of your household must also self isolate for 14 days
- all students are encouraged to download the COVIDCareNI and the STOPCOVID apps.
- If you test positive, you must ‘inform’ the app.
- To avoid triggering the app when in clinical environments with Covid cases, Trusts advise staff to disable the app, or turn off their device’s Bluetooth when in clinical environments. In these environments students should always be wearing the appropriate PPE.
- students on the same module will be notified that someone has tested positive, and will be advised to monitor themselves for relevant symptoms of COVID
Contact may be assessed on a case by case basis (so details are useful to know, such as duration of exposure, proximity of people and use of PPE such as facemasks), and the definition may evolve, but it is currently is defined as:
- more than 15 minutes (continuously or cumulatively) within 2m with no PPE (e.g. no facemask) with someone who has tested positive, including 2 days before their symptoms began
- face to face conversation within 1m for any length of time
- conversations within 1m that are not face to face for over 1 minute
- any physical contact with a case
- sharing a vehicle with a case without appropriate face covering
- being contacted as part of contact tracing by the STOPCOVIDNI app or by the PHA
Note that if you have been in a clinical area with COVID positive patients, then you should have been wearing level 2 PPE, and are not considered to have been ‘in contact’.
If you have been in close contact with a confirmed (positive) case:
1. You must inform ALL of groups a, b and c as above
You must do this even if you already have informed QUB staff
- If you are on Clinical Placement, you must inform your Clinical Supervisor AND the Trust’s Undergraduate Office / GP Practice about your result as soon as possible.
- Please complete an online “self-cert” to inform CME of your absence. This will inform all relevant staff in CME of your absence.