“6 Nations” Symposium held at Queen’s University Belfast
Policy stakeholders share best practice on Relationship and Sexuality Education

Queen’s University Researchers hosted a “6 Nations” Relationship & Sexuality Education (RSE) Symposium that brought together senior policy makers from the four nations of the UK [England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland], along with the Republic of Ireland and Uruguay to learn and disseminate information about RSE practice in each nation. The delegates were also joined by experts from the World Health Organisation and Rutgers International.
The event, funded by Queen’s University Engaged Research Fund and EuroSocial, stimulated great enthusiasm among attendees providing a unique opportunity for policy makers for collective learning and international collaboration. Feedback from the delegates and presentations from the symposium can be viewed here: https://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/if-i-were-jack/6NationsRSESymposium/
Dr Aisling Gough from the Centre of Excellence and Social Innovation was the recipient of the Engaged Research Fund and has been shortlisted for the 2019 Vice-Chancellor’s Research Prizes in the Engagement category recognising her work in organisation and support of the recent “6 Nations” RSE Symposium held at Queen’s.
Notable thanks to Dr Martin Robinson for developing the “6 Nations” website.