Beyond Coronavirus: How Does the World Recover?
A live, online event hosted by Queen’s University, examining the health & socio-economic impact of Covid-19 in the most vulnerable countries

Queen’s University Belfast is delighted to host Professor Henrietta Moore, Founder and Director of the Institute for Global Prosperity, UCL, to deliver a keynote address ‘Beyond Coronavirus: How Does The World Recover?'.
The event , which will examine the health and socio-economic impact of Covid-19 in the most vulnerable countries, will also feature reflections by Professor Diarmuid O’Donovan, Clinical Professor, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast.
Ann Watt, Director, Pivotal Public Policy Forum will facilitate a Q&A discussion.
Professor Ian Greer, President and Vice-Chancellor, Queen’s University will deliver opening remarks, with Professor Stuart Elborn, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Queen’s University concluding the event.
This event is the second in the ‘Beyond Coronavirus’ series hosted by Queen’s University.
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