Queen's staff recognised for their research on UK and European platforms
Congratulations to following staff members who have won the various awards below;

- Dr Carl Brennan (General Practice Academic Research Registrar, QUB/NIMDTA), Professor Gerry Gormley and Dr Martin Dempster (School of Psychology) who won the best research prize for their oral presentation on right/left confusion research at this year’s Society for Simulation in Europe (SSEAM). The work was funded by HSC Research and Development Division (Northern Ireland) Read more
- Dr Sharon Haughey, Johanne Barry (both the School of Pharmacy), Professor Gerry Gormley and Dr Caoimhe Cooke (both School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences) worked together to be recognised with the John Horder Award for Interprofessional Education. This is a national and jointly organised award by the Royal Society of Medicine and the Centre for Advancement of Interprofessional Education. The prize was awarded to the Queen’s University Belfast team for their IPE simulation work on prescribing in General Practice.