Dr Pratyush Nath Upreti wins first prize at ATRIP Congress
ATRIP is the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property.

The 40th ATRIP Congress took place online in late June. During the congress, Dr Pratyush Nath Upreti from Queen's University School of Law was awarded First Prize in the annual (ATRIP) Essay Competition for Young Researchers in Intellectual Property Law. His essay is entitled 'A TWAIL Critique of Intellectual Property and Related Disputes in Investor-State Dispute Settlement'. The International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI), the sponsors of the annual essay competition, also awarded the 'FICPI Young Scholar's Prize' to Dr Upreti.
Dr Upreti said:
"I'm thrilled and honoured to receive this recognition. It is truly satisfying to see my research recognised by esteemed academic associations such as ATRIP. I thank ATRIP's Executive Committee for awarding the first Prize to my essay and also to FICPI for the 'FICPI Young Scholar's Prize'".
"My essay analyses intellectual property (IP) disputes in investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) through the lenses of Third World approaches to international law (TWAIL) and how a reformist TWAIL approach could address the concerns related to IP‐ISDS disputes. I argue that TWAIL can be a useful methodology for addressing IP intersection with different regimes including international investment law, and reorient challenges concerning international IP".
The winning essay, published in the Journal of World Intellectual Property (2022), can be read here.