Heritage NI Online Celebration
This summer a new free-to-access online platform called HeritageNI will go live: HeritageNI.org.

The platform has been developed in a partnership between the Heritage Hub @ QUB, Northern Ireland Museums Council (NIMC) and the Centre for Data Digitisation & Analysis (CDDA).
Its purpose is to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for heritage campaigns, events and festivals across Northern Ireland, including those linked to wider programmes such as CBA Festival of Archaeology and National Heritage Week.
We would really welcome your organisation’s presence as part of the new HeritageNI platform, and invite your participation by emailing Dr Rachel Tracey at rtracey04@qub.ac.uk
Our first heritage campaign is the CBA Festival of Archaeology (July 11-19), for which the HeritageNI platform will promote events, activities and projects that celebrate the value of archaeology in the broadest sense—our local heritage. This year's Festival of Archaeology overarching theme is "Climate & Environment".
HeritageNI uses a social media feed, and all we need is a link with your social media channels, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, to be able to do this automatically—all you need to do is use your own social media and this then feeds live into HeritageNI’s social media ‘wall’.
For the CBA Festival of Archaeology in July, we shall be using particular themes to provide a focus for the programme and activities and these include….
- People & Places--11-12th July
- Life & Death--13th-14th July
- Rivers & Bogs--15th-16th July
- Health & Medicine--17th-18th July
- Erosion & Erasure--19th July
Each theme will run for two days during the Festival period of 11-19 July. We shall use the Twitter hashtags #HeritageNI and #heritageathome to emphasise what heritage is local within our communities in NI, and inviting everyone to 'look local, stay local' and discover 'heritage on our doorstep'. We shall also emphasise content that addresses the overall "Climate & Environment" theme of the Festival of Archaeology.
All we would need for your participation in the online Festival and on our HeritageNI platform is some existing (digital) content from you, such as a film, pictures, activity, object/artefact, blog etc--something that fits with the themes we can promote as part of the NI contribution to the Festival.
We can help curate this content as part of the HeritageNI.org web-site and social media wall. If you have any questions do let us know.
Do please let us know if you are interested in joining us, in linking to HeritageNI and also as part of the CBA Festival of Archaeology (11-19 July) and the National Heritage Week (15-23 August).
We would need to have confirmation by Friday July 3rd.