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Workshops and events

Queen's is a vibrant place and there are a lot of events being organised all year long, for any audience (students, staff, general public) and on virtually any topics! This includes research, public engagement, wellbeing events, information sessions, learning and development etc.

Here we focus on events organised by the PDC and Postdoc societies, as well as workshops that are especially targetted at postdocs and researchers, and that we consider as Queen's "core workshop offering" for you.

More University events
What's On at Queen's

The workshops listed below are provided by a range of departments across Queen's, are designed for postdocs and researchers and are part of the core offering that we aim to provide regularly.

We aim at maintaining and developing the offering to enable you to plan your development ahead and adapt to new needs. Do not hesitate to suggest ideas to complement these or to let us know if you have been disappointed; we want to use our budget to suit your expectations as well as possible. Please note that budget constraints and facilitator availability may punctually affect the core offering.

The workshops in this list may not all have a set date at the time you are visiting the pages. The registration link is usually added approximately one to two months before the workshop is due to take place.

Methodologies and practices

FAIR data bitesize: An introduction to research data management for staff

Let's get persistent with your research

Finding and sharing research data

Research dissemination

How to become a research social media influencer

Researcher Writing Retreat

Writing for Publication

Storytelling for Researchers

Promoting Yourself and Your Research

Note: in addition to courses mentioned in the 'Methodologies and practices' section above, the library provides additional regular workshops related to research data management and publishing, including for 2023-24 'Protecting you research! The fundamentals' and 'Getting your first article published'. Details on the Research data training page.

Impact and partnerships

Networking and Profile Building for Researchers

Engaged research and impact: Why are they important?

Note: the Impact and Engagement Academy provides additional regular 'one-off' workshops related to engaging with various partners and disseminating research for optimal impact

Leadership and vision

Postdoctoral Leadership Programme

Managing challenging conversations

Introduction to external research funding

Developing Resilience: for those working in a research environment

Time management for productive work and a happy life

Project Management in a Research Environment

The Strategic Researcher

Teaching and supervision

Supervising skills for Assistant Supervisors and postdocs

Effective use of voice 

Coaching and mentoring for researchers

Career development

Career Audit and Skills for the Future (*New Workshop 2025)

Decision Making - Career Choices (*New Workshop 2025)

Developing Your Research Career (4-part programme)

Defining your Research Career: Exploring alternative pathways

Lectureships: Ready, Set, Go!

Mastering Academic and Non-Academic CV Writing

New Postdoc Induction

Overcoming Imposter Phenomenon (*New Workshop 2024-25)

Refine your Interview Skills for Academic and Non-Academic Success!


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