Help with a study exploring school food and funding mechanisms
GENIUS has linked in with a study that seeks to explore how to simplify school food policy and funding mechanisms, Find out how you can help here!

Summary of study:
GENIUS has linked in with a study that seeks to explore how to simplify school food policy and funding mechanisms, develop recommendations, and produce an advocacy plan for government to tackle current inequalities in relation to poverty, health, and wellbeing. The project will explore the different strands of school food funding, for example, breakfast, lunch, the school fruit and veg scheme, after school and holiday provision. The study is funded by Guys and St Thomas' Charity and led by Myles Bremner and Stephanie Wood (School Food Matters).
What we would like help with:
Below is a link to a school food funding mapping document along with some questions we would like your help with. Please feel free to forward to your local authority contacts, catering and procurement teams or public health colleagues that may be able to help - they may be in the best position to assist with a number of these questions. Any thoughts/comments would be welcome in response to the questions.
This is a short piece of work - please forward any information/thoughts/comments you have by mid-September. Any help is much appreciated
Further information:
Many thanks for your time and reading the document.
If you would like further information, please email Myles Bremner (