Universal Provision of Free School Meals

About This Webinar
Scotland has committed to extend universal provision of free school meals to all children in primary schools. In this webinar, we reflect on early progress in delivering this in Scotland and we learn from wider work to extend school meal provision across the globe.
Who Should Attend?
This webinar will be of interest to all stakeholders concerned with school meals and child nutrition programmes in the USA, UK and other nations. It will be of interest to practitioners in public health, education, policy makers, researchers, and non-profit organisations. It will also be of interest to those with an interest in the universal provision of public services.
- Professor Donald Bundy (Director of the Global Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) – on international models and the global school meals coalition.
- Laura Meikle (Head of Support and Wellbeing Unit, Scottish Government) will update on progress with the extension of universal provision in Scotland
- Shirley-Ann Somerville (Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Scottish Government) is recording a welcome address.
- Dr Yibo Wood (Global Coordinator/Senior Nutritionist Food and Nutrition Service United States Department of Agriculture) will provide closing thoughts
Event details:
On: 17th November
At: 16.00 - 17.00 (GMT)
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/universal-provision-of-free-school-meals-global-lessons-tickets-203201139077
John McKendrick (j.mckendrick@gcu.ac.uk)
Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit
Glasgow Caledonian University